Statistics of transaction fee schedule at MB Securities:

Fees for securities transactions

1.1. Fee for stocks/fund certificates/covered warrants via transaction channels:

Transaction value/ date/ service account Charges rate via transaction channel
Broker/ Transaction Offices Contact24 Stock24 M.Stock24/Home24/APP MB
<100 million VND 0,35% 0,35% 0,30% 0,30%
100-300 million VND 0,325% 0,325% 0,30% 0,30%
300-500 million VND 0,30% 0,30% 0,25% 0,25%
500-700 million VND 0,25% 0,25% 0,20% 0,20%
700-1000 million VND 0,20% 0,20% 0,15% 0,15%
>1.000 million VND 0,15% 0,15% 0,15% 0,15%

In case customers use intensive consulting services: Fee will be applied as agreed.

1.2. Odd-lot trading fees:

Odd-lot stock trading: 10%/ Total value of odd-lot securities traded.

1.3. Bond trading fees:

For Regular Customers: 0,1%/ Total trading value/ Service account. For VIP Customers: 0,02%- 0,1%/ Total trading value/ Service account.

Note: Securities trading fees are not applicable to Customers being charged standard securities trading fees or other payable trading fees (if any).

2. Fees for derivative securities transactions

Transaction fee Trading fee close/open in day Trading fee overnight/contract expiration
Futures contract index 5,000 VND/contract/turn 5,000 VND/contract/turn
Government Bond Futures contract 30,000 VND/contract/turn 35,000 VND/contract/turn

The above transaction fee does not include other Service Agency fees: Money transfer fee, Transaction tax, Transaction fee/Position management fee/Margin asset management fee of the Stock Exchange and Depository center, specifically:

Order Type of fees Collection rates At the request of management agencies

Deposit fee for deposit withdrawal

(Bank collection)

2 Price of derivative securities exchange service

Futures contract index: 3,000 VND/contract/turn

Government bond futures contract: 5,000 VND/contract/turn

Stock exchange
3 Position management fee 3,000 VND/contract/turn Deposit center
4 Margin asset management fee 0.003% of the accumulated value of margin asset balance (Money + Securities value calculated based on par value)/acount/month (no more than 2,000,000 VND/account/month and no less than 400,000 VND/account/month) Deposit center
5 Tax Personal Income Tax = Transfer price of each time x 0.1%
In which
Transfer price of each time = (Payment price of liquidation contract x Contract multiplier x Number of contracts x Initial margin rate)/2
Tax agency

3. Depository Fee

3.1. Securities depository:

VND 0.3 /stock, fund certificate/month.

3.2. Transfer to pay for securities SALES transactions

VND 0.5 /securities/ transfer/ticker (not more than VND 500,000/ time/ ticker).

3.3. Transfer of ownership not via the trading system of Stock Exchange

For transferring securities from MBS to other stock companies:

The founding shareholders are in the time of transferring restrictions in accordance with the legal regulations.
Transferring cases approved by a State competent agency:
(at least VND 100,000 plus money transfer fee if any).

For transferring securities from other Stock Companies to MBS:

The founding shareholders are in the time of transferring restrictions in accordance with the legal regulations.
Transferring cases approved by a State competent agency:
(minimum VND 100,000 plus money transfer fee if any).

Securities donation, offer, inheritance:

Except for the cases of donating. offer or inheriting securities between wife and husband; biological parents and their children; adoptive parents and their adopted children; parents in law with daughter in law; parents in law with son in law; paternal grandfather. grandmother with paternal grandchildren; maternal grandfather. grandmother with maternal grandchildren; and between siblings: 0.2% VALUE OF THE TRANSACTION
(minimum VND 100,000 plus money transfer fee if any).

PFee of securities ownership transferring not via trading system of Stock Exchange between two securities transaction accounts at MBS:


(minimum VND 100,000 plus money transfer fee if any).


(minimum VND 100,000 plus money transfer fee if any).

3.4. Blockade. release and monitoring of collaterals

Security blockage/ release in VSD and at MBS. Fee:

  • 0.2% according to par value;
  • at least VND 50,000;
  • at most VND 2,000,000;
  • VND 0,5/securities/1 time/ 1 code.

Security blockage/ release at MBS. Fee:

  • 0.2% according to par value;
  • at least VND 50,000;
  • at most VND 2,000,000.

Handling of frozen assets. Fee:

  • 0.3%/ transaction value;
  • at least VND 100,000.

3.5. Securities withdrawal

VND 100,000 / 1 set of document.

3.6. Securities transfer as per-request of the Customers

Applying in the case where customers do not close the accounts. Only the transfer of securities to securities accounts of other Customers opened in other stock companies.

Fee: VND 1 / securities/ transfer time/ ticker (not exceeding the maximum of VND 1,000,000/ time/ ticker).

3.7. Transferring the right of additional acquisition

At the same company: VND 50,000/ document;
Other companies: VND 100,000/ document.

4. Fee for opening/closing service

4.1. Stock24

First issuance: Stock24 (matrix card): free-of-charge
Re-issuance: Stock 24 (matrix card) due to the following causes:

  • Cards are lost by customers: VND 200,000/ card;
  • Cards are removed due to expiration: Free-of-charge;
  • Cards are invalid due to exceeding times of use (1,000 times): Free-of-charge;
  • Cards are errored: Free-of-charge

4.2. Account opening/ closing

The fee of account opening: free-of-charge
The fee of account closing for local investors: VND 100,000/account
The fee of account closing for foreign investors: VND 1,000,000/ account
The fee of transferring securities when closing (if any in the account): VND 5 / 10 stocks.

5. Fee for account information lookup

5.1. At the counter

Money transaction statement:

From 1 – 2 years since the date of the printing statement. VND 30,000/copy
At most 2 copies. From the third copy: VND 5,000/copy is applied
More than 2 years since the date of the printing statement: VND 50,000/copy
At most 2 copies. From the third copy: VND 5,000/copy is applied

Securities transaction statement:

From 1 – 2 years since the date of the printing statement. VND 30,000/copy
At most 2 copies. From the third copy: VND 5,000/copy is applied
More than 2 years since the date of the printing statement: VND 50,000/copy
At most 2 copies. From the third copy: VND 5,000/copy is applied

Statement delivery by registered mail to Customers:

Statements are delivered as per-request of the Customers, including:
Money transaction statement and Securities transaction statement.
VND 10,000/copy
The minimum fee. Including: statement fee + postage.

Confirming the account balance as required by the Customers:

Confirmation made by Customers
(regardless of the Vietnamese/ English version).
VND 100,000/copy
At most 3 copies. From the fourth copy: VND 20,000/ copy is applied
Confirmation made by MBS:
(regardless of the Vietnamese/ English version)
VND 50,000/copy
At most 3 copies. From the fourth copy: VND 10,000/ copy is applied.

Document backup fee

  • Document backup within 15 working days since the date of transaction
    Free of charge.
  • Document backup from 15 working days to 3 months since the date of transaction
    VND 10,000/document is applied.
  • Document backup from 3 months to 1 year since the date of the transaction.
    VND 30,000/document is applied
  • Document backup from 1 to 3 years since the date of the transaction.
    VND 50,000/document is applied
  • Document backup from 3 years and more since the date of the transaction.
    VND 70,000/document is applied.

5.2. Via contact center

Service subscription fee: Free-of-charge.
Telephone charges to contact center collected by mobile network operator: VND 1,000 /minute (regardless of incoming call telephone prefix).

6. Fee for money transfer

6.1. Internal money transfer

Free of charge

6.2. External money transfer

Free of charge

To other banks
MBS acts as a secondary party to collect charges under Fee for MB bank/ other banks in each period of time.

7. SMS Service Fees

SMS delivered to Customers are divided into two following packages: 

SMS1 package: Fee VND 8,800/month/account:

MBS shall provide SMS relating to:

  • Trading results;
  • Notices of a money deposit, withdrawal, and transfer;
  • Notices of dividend rights of the account.

SMS2 package: Fee VND 33,000/month/account:

MBS shall provide SMS relating to:

  • Trading results;
  • Notices of a money deposit, withdrawal, and transfer
  • Notices of dividend rights of the account
  • Notices of opening balance
  • Notices of opening purchasing power
  • Notices of opening securities balance

Note: MBS provides free SMS to notify all customers of order matching results, including customers who have registered SMS1 / SMS2 package or not.

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