Le Viet Hai
Chairman of BOD

Mr. Le Viet Hai, currently a Member of the BOD of Military Commercial Joint Stock Bank (MB), received a Bachelor Degree in Credit - Finance from Banking Academy of Vietnam and held a Master of Business Administration from University of California Miramar. Having been working for over 20 years at MB Bank, Mr. Hai has delivered several important positions such as Director of MB Hoang Quoc Viet Branch, Director of Internal Control, and Executive Administrator to the Board of Directors.
Phan Anh
Vice Chairman

Mr. Phan Anh (full name: Phan Phuong Anh) serves as Vice Chairman and was promoted to the position of General Director of MB Securities Joint Stock Company (MBS) on 08 June 2022.
Before joining MBS, Mr. Phan Anh had more than 15 years of service as the Chief Executive Officer of MB Capital Management Company (MB Capital). He also served as the Chairman of the Investment Committee of Japan Asia MB Capital Fund.
During his years of service at the Military Commercial Joint Stock Bank (MB), Mr. Phan Anh used to hold such positions as: Project Investment Analyst, Head of General Planning Department, Director of Treasury and Foreign Exchange Domain. He was also one of the first members of ThangLong Securities Joint Stock Company (the predecessor of MB Securities Joint Stock Company - MBS today) in 2000. He held a Master's degree in Finance and Banking at Hanoi National Economics University.
Nguyen Minh Hang

Mrs. Nguyen Minh Hang is currently Head of Investment Banking at Military Commercial Joint Stock Bank (MB). She graduated with a Bachelor degree in Banking and Finance then received a Master's degree in the same field at National Economics University (Vietnam). Mrs. Minh Hang has been working for many years at MB Bank, serving as Head of Credit Management Department, and Deputy Director of Risk Management Division.
Pham Xuan Thanh
Member of BOD

Mr. Pham Xuan Thanh is a Master of Business Administration, who has been working for Military Commercial Joint Stock Bank (MB) for 17 years, holding many important positions such as Deputy Head of Investment Department, Deputy Director of Transaction Office 1, Director of Long Bien Branch, Deputy Director of Appraisal Department, and currently Deputy Director of CIB Division. Mr. Thanh has also worked at Vietnam Minerals Corporation and Intimex Trading Company - Ministry of Trade, and participated in the Board of Directors of Hua Na Hydropower Joint Stock Company.
Mr. Pham Xuan Thanh was elected as a member of the Board of Directors of MB Securities Joint Stock Company (MBS) at the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on April 21, 2023.
Pham The Anh
Member of BOD

Mr. Pham The Anh is an Associate Professor, Ph.D. in Economics, and currently serves as the Head of the Department of Economics at the National Economics University. He previously worked at MB Securities Joint Stock Company (MBS) for 7 years, holding positions such as Chief Economist (2009 - 2014) and Independent Board Member (2016 - 2018). Additionally, he has also held important roles as a senior economic expert and economic advisor/Chief Economist at organizations such as the Policy Advisory Group - Ministry of Finance, the Economic Committee of the National Assembly, the Vietnam Institute for Economic and Policy Research (VEPR), and the Vietnam Center for Economic and Strategic Studies (VESS).
Mr. Pham The Anh has been elected and appointed as an Independent Member of the Board of Directors of MBS, during its 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on April 21, 2023.
Pham Thi Hoa
Head of Board of Supervisors

Ms. Pham Thi Hoa is currently the Head of the Supervisory Board of MB Securities Joint Stock Company (MBS). Ms. Hoa graduated and defended her Master's degree in Banking and Finance at the National Economics University. Ms. Hoa has many years of experience in finance and banking and has held many important positions at Military Bank JSC such as Deputy Director of Dien Bien Phu Branch, Deputy Director of Internal Control Division. .
Vu Thi Huong
Member of Board of Supervisors

Ms. Vu Thi Huong is currently Chief Financial Officer, Internal Audit Department, Military Bank JSC. Ms. Huong graduated from Hanoi University, major in Finance and has 4 years working for Deloitte Vietnam and another 4 years for Military Commercial Joint Stock Bank.
Phan Anh

Mr. Phan Anh (full name: Phan Phuong Anh) serves as a Member of the Board of Directors and was promoted to the position of General Director of MB Securities Joint Stock Company (MBS) on 08 June 2022.
Before joining MBS, Mr. Phan Anh had more than 15 years of service as the Chief Executive Officer of MB Capital Management Company (MB Capital). He also served as the Chairman of the Investment Committee of Japan Asia MB Capital Fund.
During his years of service at the Military Commercial Joint Stock Bank (MB), Mr. Phan Anh used to hold such positions as: Project Investment Analyst, Head of General Planning Department, Director of Treasury and Foreign Exchange Domain. He was also one of the first members of ThangLong Securities Joint Stock Company (the predecessor of MB Securities Joint Stock Company - MBS today) in 2000. He held a Master's degree in Finance and Banking at Hanoi National Economics University.
Phung Thi Thanh Ha
Deputy General Director

Ms. Ha graduated in Master of Economics in the University of Méditerranée - Aix Marseille II (France), Strategy Management and Organizational Logistics major. Before joining MBS, Ms. Ha spent many years working at Military Bank and held such management positions as: Head of SME Reevaluation DepartmentHead of Personal Customer Reevaluation Department, Deputy Head of Head Office Reevaluation Department and Head of Risk Management Department. Currently, Ms. Ha serves as the Deputy General Director in charge of Risk Management and Operations of MBS
Le Thanh Nam
Deputy General Director

Mr. Nam serves as the Deputy General Director, directly in charge of MBS’s business activities in the southern region. Mr. Nam has intensive knowledge on business, market and rich experience in corporate management. Before joining MBS, he held such important positions in companies as: Deputy General Director, Managing director of Viet Paper Trading and Services Joint Stock Company; member of BOD of DIC No. 4 JSC; Chairman of BOD of Phu Tin Investment Company; member of BOD of Hoang Quan Real Estate Company and member of BOD of Cai Lay Veterinary Pharmaceutical JSC. Mr. Nam graduated in Business Administration in Hanoi University of Science and Technology.
Le Van Tuan
Executive Board members

Mr. Le Van Tuan is currently a member of the Executive Board, in charge of Information Technology of MB Securities Joint Stock Company (MBS). Mr. Tuan hold a master degree in IT at School of Technology – National University and a master's degree in Business Administration at Benedictine University in USA. Mr. Tuan has many years of experience in the fintech area and was in management positions at Military Bank Jsc, such as: Deputy Director of IT Center, Director of Information Technology Development Center and Deputy Head of Information Technology Division.
Pham Thi Kim Ngan
Chief Financial Officer

Ms. Pham Thi Kim Ngan was appointed as the Finance Director of MB Securities Joint Stock Company (MBS) on January 17, 2023. She holds a Bachelor's degree from the National Economics University, a Master's degree in Business Administration from FPT University, and a Certified Management Accountant (CMA) certification from Australia.
Before joining MBS, Ms. Pham Thi Kim Ngan had nearly 20 years of experience in the banking sector, specifically at the Social Policy Bank in Ha Nam Province and the Military Commercial Joint Stock Bank (MB). She has many years of experience working in the MB Investment Division, previously serving as a member of the Supervisory Board of MB Investment Fund Management Company (MB Capital). Prior to her role at MBS, Ms. Ngan was the Head of the Company Management Department in the Investment Division.